Can one download the configuration file (config.ini) for a SmartUPS with an AP9617 Managment Card?
Answer: Yes. Via / With FTP
There are several files available: apc_hw02_aos_361.bin, apc_hw02_sumx_358.bin, event.txt, data.txt, config.ini, and an sec Directory which has one file sshv1k.p15
config.ini has all of the settings.
The device responds to FTP commands;
open W.X.Y.Z
User Name:
! This command toggles back and forth between the operating system and ftp. Once back in the operating system, typing exit takes you back to the FTP command line.
? Accesses the Help screen.
append Append text to a local file.
ascii Switch to ASCII transfer mode.
bell Turns bell mode on or off.
binary Switches to binary transfer mode.
bye Exits from FTP.
cd Changes directory.
close Exits from FTP.
delete Deletes a file.
debug Sets debugging on or off.
dir Lists files, if connected.
dir -C = lists the files in wide format.
dir -1 = Lists the files in bare format in alphabetic order.
dir -r = Lists directory in reverse alphabetic order.
dir -R = Lists all files in current directory and sub directories.
dir -S = Lists files in bare format in alphabetic order.
disconnect Exits from FTP.
get Get file from the remote computer.
glob Sets globbing on or off. When turned off, the file name in the put and get commands is taken literally, and wildcards will not be looked at.
hash Sets hash mark printing on or off. When turned on, for each 1024 bytes of data received, a hash-mark (#) is displayed.
help Accesses the Help screen and displays information about the command if the command is typed after help.
lcd Displays local directory if typed alone or if path typed after lcd will change the local directory.
literal Sends a literal command to the connected computer with an expected one-line response.
ls Lists files of the remotely connected computer.
mdelete Multiple delete.
mdir Lists contents of multiple remote directories.
mget Get multiple files.
mkdir Make directory.
mls Lists contents of multiple remote directories.
mput Send multiple files.
open Opens address.
prompt Enables or disables the prompt.
put Send one file.
pwd Print working directory.
quit Exits from FTP.
quote Same as the literal command.
recv Receive file.
remotehelp Get help from remote server.
rename Renames a file.
rmdir Removes a directory on the remote computer.
send Send single file.
status Shows status of currently enabled and disabled options.
trace Toggles packet tracing.
type Set file transfer type.
user Send new user information.
verbose Sets verbose on or off.