WordPress Image Control

Revision as of 18:00, 14 February 2020 by Root (talk | contribs) (→‎Plugins)

Leaving WordPress on its own for image management on a website with a lot of images is stupid.

Items to Consider


  • Title
  • File Name of Actual File
    • Naming Convention: Use modern Video Resolution terminology; 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K (which refers to horizontal resolution, whereas 1080i, 720p, etc. refer to vertical resolution)
  • Permalink Current URI (from Permalink Manager) & Native Slug (Permalink name if Permalink Manger were disabled)
  • Permalink Address Page (https://WhatEverWebSite/PermalinkURI)
  • URL Page of File (https://WhatEverWebSite/FileName): ALT Attribute of Image Element / Tag is set to the URL
  • Taxonomy (Categories and Tags) of Images: Useful internal WordPress searches and some SEO indexes
  • Additional Items for Images (Caption, ALT / Alternate Text, Description)
    • Caption is used in META Tags for various items (SEO, Twitter, OG (Open Graph Protocol - https://ogp.me/), etc.) and as the default caption when the image is viewed via a Permalink URI. Oddly Wordpress or some plugin uses it as the OG "description"
    • Description is used when image is viewed via a Permalink URL, or whenever the image is used in a Page, Post, etc.
    • ALT / Alternative Text is used in the Images ALT Attribute when viewed via a Permalink URL or whenever the image is used in a Page, Post, etc.


  • Redirect from Image Permalink URL to Fragment Location / Anchor / ID on a Page
    • And
      • If no explicit Redirect is set up, then go to the Images Parent
      • OR
      • Stay on the Image's Permalink URL

WordPress Functionality

  • Automatic "Thumbnail" (Resized Image) Generation that are automatically generated by WordPress, Themes, Plugins, etc.: Wordpress sets the SRCSET Attribute

SEO stuff

  • Canonical URLSs are only useful if an end Image / Item / etc. falls under multiple categories (IE is duplicitous) and a Search Engine needs to know which one is the default.

Other Nice Additions if Possible

  • Search Results just for Images???
  • Custom CSS for Permalink URI??? - see below (Simple CSS offers custom CSS for an Image, but it doesn't show up on Permalink URI)
  • Index and / or Table of Contents (for all of website & only images, so two indexes or table of contents)


  • Plugins To Manage Images and Media
    • Enhanced Media Library: Some Utilities for importing and exporting, Adds several tabs to Settings, Media (including allowed file types)
    • Add from Server: A plugin that allows upload of files that otherwise cause the Wordpress Media functionality to cough up a hairball (large files, etc.)
    • Permalink Manager: Enhances the native Permalink Field on Pages, Posts, Media, Images, etc. It also includes a Bulk Updater. Make sure to enable "Native Slug" in Tools, Permalink Manager, Settings, to allow editing of the native Permalink.
    • Phoenix Media Rename: A simple Plugin that adds a File Name Field to an Image (in administration) that allows changing the File Name. It even automatically replaces spaces with dashes ( - ). It also allows for "bulk renaming", but only for manual modifications to the name (IE, it can't add "My Web Site" to the beginning of every file name).
    • Media File Renamer: Similar to Phoenix, but Phoenix is better.
    • WP Media Folder: Creates a folder and file structure for media, so very handy for organizing a lot of media. Unfortunately it breaks some features of other Media Plugins, but the fix is easy: Temporarily disable when other Plugin features are needed. Some other alternatives are listed here: https://colorlib.com/wp/wordpress-media-library-management-plugins/
    • Plugins that manipulate the built in WordPress behavior related to Media and Images (IE, Attachment Pages, which are created for each image that is uploaded)
      • For most websites, a combination of the below two plugins properly configured will allow Image Permalinks to redirect to another page
        • To redirect all Image Permalinks to the Homepage;
          • Attachment Pages Redirect: A simple Plugin that redirects Attachment Pages (like Media and Images) to a Parent Pages (created with Media Library Assistant) and under other circumstances, like 404 (page doesn't exist), etc.
        • To redirect Image Permalinks to a Parent Page;
          • Media Library Assistant: Provides the ability to create a Parent Element for Media and Images
        • To redirect Image Permalinks to specific Pages;
          • Redirect (under Tools, Redirection); This Plugin provides the ability to create a list of of redirects.
          • If the redirect for an Image Attachment Permalink includes a "hash" ( # ) to scroll to a specific location on a page, the format is: https://WhatEverWebSite/WhatEverPage/#WhatEverLocation (WordPress manipulates the URL from the "classic" HTML where it is: https://WhatEverWebSite/WhatEverPage#WhatEverLocation (with no forward slash ( / ))
        • ...and from there, and Image could be opened in a lightbox, etc.
        • Yoast and other SEO tools can do this, but it also removes the tools ability to create an indexes from images.
      • For Plugins like Timeline Express that have delayed rendering which affect Fragment Location / Anchor scrolling, additional steps have to be taken.
        • To redirect Image Permalinks to specific Pages, start with the step from above;
          • Redirect (under Tools, Redirection); This Plugin provides the ability to create a list of of redirects.
        • ...and then insert the below code into a Footer (using Header Footer Code Manager) where the Timeline is configured;
          document.addEventListener('readystatechange', event =>
          	if (event.target.readyState === "interactive")
          	setTimeout(DelayedFunction, 1000)
          function DelayedFunction()
          var location_hash = window.location.hash;
          var location_minus_hash = location_hash.substr(1,);
          var element = document.getElementById(location_minus_hash);    
    • Plugin that can change ALT information based on existing information (many plugins have this capability, but require buying the PRO version)???
      • Auto Image Attributes: Changes Attributes (ALT, etc.), based on File Name. Useful if there aren't any ALT entries for an image
    • A Plugin for default redirection for any 404 (broken links) to redirect to home page???
      • 404page: A plugin that redirects, has some nice options, and doesn't have a PRO version.
      • 404 Redirect to Homepage (under Settings, 404...)
      • 404 Solution would not install, so junk there.
      • Redirect 404, couldn't find the admin section where it said it was, so junk there.
    • Plugin that creates a Title for an Image (Media Assistant???)???
    • Plugin for custom Image CSS???
      • Simple CSS (Under Appearance, Pages, Posts, Images, etc.): This adds a custom CSS Field to Images (does not work with Permalink URI)
      • Simple Custom CSS is too simple (it's just a single field for the entire website)
      • Custom CSS Pro is great for previewing what it will do to a website, but appears to apply site wide to everything.
    • Plugin for Image Contents or Index Page???
    • Plugin that will create a default ALT description if there isn't one???
    • Plugin for dedicated Image SEO (IE, not Yoast)???

WordPress Issues

WordPress does not include a Title for an Image

Other Stuff to Think About

Remove EXIF information for privacy. Read more here: https://www.wpexplorer.com/wordpress-image-management/