How does one create a "build system" (AKA Cross Compile / Cross-Compile / CrossCompile Build System) for OpenWRT?
Other Tutorials
- General Guide for building firmware:
- Start of detailed Information:
- Pre-requisites for a :
- Some additional granular detail for working with specific versions:
- Build environment tips:
- SDK (for compiling specific packages):
- URL for SDK (look towards the bottom of the page for SDK):
- Third Party Site with nice information (Old, but this article itself notes even older OpenWRT documentation): (Don't follow the instructions as it GIT won't work anymore with non-SSL URLs)
- Entware Tips (The don't apply directly, but have some good tips if read from the context of OpenWRT)
- Native Compilation:
- Compiling Packages from Source:
- Creating Perl modules:
- Build System for Cross-Compiling: CentOS 7.8 (There seem to be some missing packages in CentOS 8, so CentOS 7.8 was chosen)
- OpenWRT 19.07.03 (Linux Kernel 4.14.180)
- Linksys WRT3200ACM Platform Information (see here for additional information)
- Marvell Armada 385 88F6820 SoS (System on a Chip)
- Manufacturer: Marvell, MVEBU (Marvell Embedded Business Unit)
- CPU Information
- ARM Family: Cortex-A (32-bit)
- ARM Architecture: ARMv7-A
- ARM Core: Cortex-A9
- OpenWRT Target and Package Details
- MVEBU (Marvell Embedded Business Unit)
- Targets Available: cortexa53, cortexa72, cortexa9
- Marvell Armada 37x/38x/XP (Armada 3700LP and Armada 7k/8k are 64 bit versions)
- MVEBU (Marvell Embedded Business Unit)
- Equivalent DD-WRT / Entware Target and Package reference
- ARMv7sf-k3.2: ARM version 7 with linux kernel 3.2
- Sources:
Steps (as of 9.2020 for the above Environment)
All of the below assumes one is storing files in the user's home directory.
OpenWRT recommends NOT compiling as a root users. To bypass this restriction;
- export FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 (the export command adds the variable to the current user session, it will not persist if logging off, confirm with printenv or export -p)
Obtain Source Files from OpenWRT
- git clone -b openwrt-19.07 (downloads the 19.07 branch of OpenWRT, which also includes the latest version, 19.07.03)
- To see repository, in web browser:
- git tag (essentially shows available versions to build)
- git branch (shows local versions of OpenWRT downloaded)
- git branch -r (shows versions available for download)
- Feeds
- Documentation:
- ~/openwrt/feeds.conf.default
- ./scripts/feeds update -a (A script from OpenWRT to makes sure all files are up to date)
- ./scripts/feeds (by itself, no "sub-commands", shows available options)
- ./scripts/feeds list -n (shows main categories of feeds)
- Should show these Names: packages, luci, routing, and telephony
- ./scripts/feeds list -r OneOfTheFeedNames (shows the available packages, names are equivalent to what would be found with opkg list)
- Example: ./scripts/feeds install htop (an enhanced version of top)
- Files will be downloaded here: ~/openwrt/package/feeds/packages/ and ~/openwrt/feeds/packages/admin
- Checkout (not needed if a single branch like 19.07 is downloaded)
- git checkout openwrt-19.07 (if multiple branches have been downloaded, switch to using this one)
- Oddly, this command is documented using the latest version of OpenWRT as of 9.2020, but it doesn't work as expected: git checkout v19.07.03 (from
- Download the SDK and uncompress it (which is equivalent to the git clone command above)
- URL for SDK (look towards the bottom of the page for SDK):
- Don't worry about the name ending in x86_64 as this indicates the platform that the cross compiling will take place on.
- tar xf WhatEverFileName (be sure one is in the ~ directory)
- ./scripts/feeds update -a
- ./scripts/feeds install WhatEverPackageName
- Download the SDK and uncompress it (which is equivalent to the git clone command above)
- Package Building
- Sources
- Using the full TAR package as an example
- make menuconfig
- disable all the Global settings to "build all"
- Utilities (look in the Makefile file in the define Package/tarcustom (or WhatEverName) for where the package will be)
- Copy the ~/openwrt/package/feeds/packages/tar/Makefile
- Edit the PKG_SOURCE
- Headers
- Potential Locations;
- ~/openwrt/build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a9+vfpv3-d16_musl_eabi/linux-mvebu_cortexa9/linux-4.14.195/user_headers/include
- Sources
- Potential Locations;