Windows 11 Home Off the Hook BS Crazy
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...go ahead, try using a new computer with Windows 11 without creating a Microsoft Account (Side Note to Microsoft on this subject: ...sorry, can't do it right now, all I'd type are 4 letter words)

Oh, what about some of the solutions during the setup phase like pressing Shift F10 (or FN Shift F10 for laptops that have the annoying "Hot Key" features turned on by default, and also don't have any clearly visible method of turning off the feature)). Nope, as of 01.2023 you're out of luck with Windows 11 Home, as a command prompt won't open. However, if your are lucky enough to have a different version of Windows, and can get a command prompt, try this:

But wait! All hope is not lost! Thanks to this comment, here:

Yup: CTRL Shift F3 allows the computer to boot into "Administrative Mode" with a command prompt available. That works only for the sake of installing wireless drivers that Windows 11 doesn't include. So F you Microsoft and THANK YOU! nice person that figured out / discovered / published the CTRL SHIFT F3 Solution / Work Around (or if needed, using the FN key to 'activate' the Function Keys).

Now run this command from a command prompt (Thanks to:, and many others): OOBE\BYPASSNRO But that won't work, because CMD won't run.

Oh, wait some more! The ordeal isn't over. Get this brain exploding concept: CMD is not an approved "App" / Program from Microsoft. Huh!?!?!? CMD.exe has been around since the early '90s and before that in the form of COMMAND.EXE since the early 1980s. How can it not be approved? You actually have to log into the Microsoft Store and install something that allows "non approved Apps" to run. This is necessary for CMD (because it isn't 'approved')? Are you Fing kidding me? What is wrong with you Microsoft? This is what happens when managers and bean counters tell the programmers and engineers what to do. Thanks to this link:

OK, run the above command, reboot, use the Sysprep GUI to 'reset' the system. Good to go, right? Maybe, maybe not.

Whoa! Thought you were done? There's a good possibility, depending on the manufacturer of the device that after "Syspreping" the computer, the BCD file will get hosed too and the system won't boot. So fix that too;

  • Hiren's Boot CD
  • BootICE

And there's more! If TPM (Trusted Platform Management) is enabled, gonna need to disable that, because Hiren't Boot CD won't work until that's done.

From there, follow any number of guides like these:

Overall, I'd describe it like this: It's like going into a candy store expecting to just buy what you want. But instead, there are some Ninja warriors that one has to fight. All of that, just to get a stick of gum. Woof!