Image Acquisition

...need an Image? Here are some tips;

List the Contents of a Directory on a Web Server

curl --silent | grep -o 'href=".*">' | sed 's/href="//;s/\/">//'

curl -s | grep -o 'href=".*">' | sed -e "s/href=\"//g" | sed -e "s/\"\>//g"

...don't forget the trailing / ( slash )

Plugin for Downloading Files

Firefox: DownloadThemAll PlugIn / AddOn

Search Pattern for Bing (it's better than Google for Image Searching) to Eliminate the Commercial Websites

WhatEverSearchTerm(s) NOT dreamstime NOT alamy NOT depositphotos NOT shutterstock NOT cartoondealer NOT clipartof

Searching for Images

Firefox: Search By Image PlugIn / AddOn


And of course don't use any images that are copyrighted. Technically all art is automatically copyrighted in the United States and other countries when it is created. So to rephrase, don't use images that aren't licensed for free use unless a license is paid for.