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var $buoop = {required:{'.$browser.',i:12},test:'.(isset($wpbu_js[1]) ? $wpbu_js[1] : '').',newwindow:'.(isset($wpbu_js[2]) ? $wpbu_js[2] : '').',style:"'.(isset($wpbu_js[3]) ? $wpbu_js[3] : '').'",insecure:'.(isset($wpbu_js[4]) ? $wpbu_js[4] : '').',unsupported:'.(isset($wpbu_js[5]) ? $wpbu_js[5] : '').',mobile:'.(isset($wpbu_js[6]) ? $wpbu_js[6] : '').',shift_page_down:'.(isset($wpbu_js[7]) ? $wpbu_js[7] : '').',api:2020.01,text_for_i:"This website will NOT display or function properly with Internet Explorer.  Please use a modern web browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, etc.",reminder:0,remind:0,no_permanent_hide:true,no_close:true,};
var $buoop = {required:{'.$browser.',i:12},test:'.(isset($wpbu_js[1]) ? $wpbu_js[1] : '').',newwindow:'.(isset($wpbu_js[2]) ? $wpbu_js[2] : '').',style:"'.(isset($wpbu_js[3]) ? $wpbu_js[3] : '').'",insecure:'.(isset($wpbu_js[4]) ? $wpbu_js[4] : '').',unsupported:'.(isset($wpbu_js[5]) ? $wpbu_js[5] : '').',mobile:'.(isset($wpbu_js[6]) ? $wpbu_js[6] : '').',shift_page_down:'.(isset($wpbu_js[7]) ? $wpbu_js[7] : '').',api:2020.01,text_for_i:"This website will NOT display or function properly with Internet Explorer.  Please use a modern web browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, etc.",reminder:0,remind:0,no_permanent_hide:true,no_close:true,};
</syntaxhighlight>...to better control usage of Internet Explorer.  Full documentation can be found here: http://browser-update.org/customize.html  Verified and tested that it actually works by clearing out the test browser's cache and looking at each individual file it downloaded.
</syntaxhighlight>...to better control usage of Internet Explorer.  Full documentation can be found here: http://browser-update.org/customize.html  Verified and tested that it actually works by clearing out the test browser's cache and looking at each individual file it downloaded.
=== Yoast Note ===
After looking at the raw XML output of the sitemap that Yoast generated, I noticed several pages that weren't being used or actively displayed on the website were still being cataloged by Yoast.  Easy solution is to make sure that the Yoast SEO Premium, SEO Tab, Advanced, Allow search engines to show this Announcement in search results? is set to No.  Alternatively, based on the same Yoast dialogue box referring to "Default for PagesOrPosts, currently: YesOrNo", might lead one to believe that one can turn off or set a default for Yoast to only create entries for individual pages or posts by setting the SEO Tab, Search Appearance, Content Type, WhatEverCategory, Show WhatEver in search results? to no.  In fact this disables sitemap generation for that type of Page or Post completely, even if it is enabled on an individual item.  So in a nutshell, one cannot set the default for Yoast to be "don't include anything in a sitemap index, just leave it empty until it is enabled for a specific page", as it will completely disable the sitemap index for that entity.