WordPress Plugin with Issue using Serialized Data

Had a funky issue happen today...

A WordPress Plugin in I use, titled Nested Pages, has a cool function that allows the Admin Menu in WordPress to be organized had a glitch or maybe the PHP Serialize Function messed up. Either way, the "Dashboard" Link on the Admin Menu was being displayed as its Hyperlink instead of its title of "Dashboard". Very irritating.

It got even more irritating when I found out the data the plugin stored was in serialized format. Thankfully there are several sites that make serializing and un-serializing quite easy. I used this website: https://serializededitor.com/

From there it was simple. Pasted in the data cell that had the bad information, found the item to rename (from what WordPress was displaying), modified it in the center section, and then copied the "reserialized" version on the right back into the database cell (all using phpMyAdmin for the database interaction)