WordPress and Privacy

Revision as of 19:36, 26 February 2020 by Root (talk | contribs) (Created page with "As one might be familiar with, WordPress is not capable of restricting access on a page by page basis. The "Private" function doesn't work as one might expect. There are sev...")
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As one might be familiar with, WordPress is not capable of restricting access on a page by page basis. The "Private" function doesn't work as one might expect.

There are several Plugins that restrict content, including WP Private Content Plus, but it doesn't do any better.

A Plugin titled Simple Restrict works great, but sadly only for Pages, not for Posts too. It adds a Permissions Menu to the Pages Tab and a Permissions Widget to the Page Administration. By default it allows access to everything. This is good, but has the odd side affect of requiring permissions be added to each user for access, including the Root / Administrator account (or any other editing account), which can be done under the Users Tab (scroll all the way to the bottom).

Another Plugin, Restrict Content (and Restrict Content Pro, available fro GPLDL, but only with a "donation"), which does Pages, Posts, etc. A general configuration page is available at Settings Tab, Restrict Content and on each Page, Post, etc, under a large Restrict Content Section (at the bottom, not a "side" widget). One oddity, probably a glitch that will be fixed, is that any custom message configured will be printed twice if a Post has multiple entries like Timeline Express. For other Pages and Posts, it works as expected.

So in the end, Restrict Content is the winner!